Compost Tea Schedule

Here’s a detailed compost tea schedule for your plants over a 3-month vegetative growth period followed by 70 days of flowering. This schedule outlines when and how to apply teas using SuperCharge and TurboCharge, alongside some general teas that support different stages of plant growth.

Vegetative Growth Schedule (3 months or ~12 weeks)

Week 1-3 (Early Vegetative Growth):
Frequency: Every 7-10 days.
Tea: Use SuperCharge compost tea.
Compost: 1 cup
Worm Castings: 1/2 cup
Molasses: 1-2 tablespoons
SuperCharge: 1/4 cup
Kelp Meal: 1 tablespoon (optional)
Brew for 24-36 hours, apply as a soil drench or foliar spray.

Week 4-8 (Mid Vegetative Growth):
Frequency: Every 10-14 days.
Tea: Continue using SuperCharge compost tea, increase amounts slightly.
Compost: 1.5 cups
Worm Castings: 1 cup
Molasses: 2 tablespoons
SuperCharge: 1/3 cup
Kelp Meal: 2 tablespoons (optional)
Humic Acid: 1 teaspoon (optional)
Brew for 24-36 hours, apply as a soil drench.

Week 9-12 (Late Vegetative Growth):
Frequency: Every 2 weeks.
Tea: Continue with SuperCharge compost tea, increase nitrogen-heavy components to support final veg stage before the switch to flower.
Compost: 2 cups
Worm Castings: 1.5 cups
Molasses: 2 tablespoons
SuperCharge: 1/2 cup
Kelp Meal: 2 tablespoons (optional)
Alfalfa Meal: 2 tablespoOns (optional, for nitrogen boost)
Brew for 24-36 hours, apply as a soil drench.

Flowering Schedule (70 days or ~10 weeks)
Week 1-2 (Stretch Phase):
Frequency: Every 2 weeks.|
Tea: Continue using SuperCharge compost tea with a focus on preparing for flower formation. No TurboCharge yet, as the plants are still growing taller and focusing on structural development.
Compost: 2 cups
Worm Castings: 1.5 cups
Molasses: 2 tablespoons
SuperCharge: 1/3 cup
Kelp Meal: 2 tablespoons
Humic Acid: 1 teaspoon
Brew for 24-36 hours, apply as a soil drench.

Week 3-6 (Early to Mid-Flowering):
Frequency: Every 10 days.
Tea: Introduce TurboCharge to provide rapid-release nutrients needed for flower and trichome production.
Compost: 2 cups
Worm Castings: 1 cup
Molasses: 1-2 tablespoons
TurboCharge: 1/3 cup
Bat Guano (high phosphorus): 2 tablespoons
Kelp Meal: 2 tablespoons
Fish Hydrolysate: 2 tablespoons (optional)
Brew for 24-36 hours, apply as a soil drench.

Week 7-8 (Mid-Flowering):

Frequency: Every 10-14 days.
Tea: Continue using TurboCharge compost tea, increasing phosphorus and potassium to support dense bud formation.
Compost: 2 cups
Worm Castings: 1 cup
Molasses: 2 tablespoons
TurboCharge: 1/2 cup
Bat Guano: 3 tablespoons
Kelp Meal: 2 tablespons
Humic Acid: 1 teaspoon
Brew for 24-36 hours, apply as a soil drench.

Week 9-10 (Late Flowering):
Frequency: Once per month or as needed.
Tea: Use a light compost tea without heavy amendments, as the plant is finishing its flowering cycle and too much nitrogen or strong nutrients could delay ripening.
Compost: 1 cup
Worm Castings: 1/2 cup
Molasses: 1 tablespoon
Kelp Meal: 1 tablespoon
Brew for 24 hours, apply as a light soil drench.

General Tips:

Observe your plants: Adjust the frequency of tea applications based on how your plants are responding. If they appear too lush or show signs of nutrient lockout, reduce the frequency.

Foliar feeding: During vegetative growth, foliar sprays can be applied once a week (early morning or late evening) for faster nutrient uptake.

Flowering caution: During the flowering phase, avoid foliar sprays to prevent mold and mildew on buds.

This schedule will ensure that your plants receive the microbial and nutrient support they need during both the vegetative and flowering stages, promoting strong, healthy growth and abundant flowers.