Crickets are small to medium-sized insects with long antennae and powerful hind legs for jumping. They are typically black or brown and are often found in outdoor setups, especially in moist, warm environments.
Chewed stems, leaves, or roots, particularly on young plants or seedlings.
Stunted growth or wilting due to root or stem damage.
Beneficial Nematodes: Apply Steinernema carpocapsae to the soil to target cricket larvae in the soil. These nematodes attack and kill crickets before they mature.
Neem Oil Drench: Water the soil with a neem oil solution to deter crickets from feeding on the plant's roots and young shoots.
Diatomaceous Earth (DE): Sprinkle food-grade DE around the base of plants and on the soil to create a barrier that can kill crickets when they crawl through it. DE damages their exoskeleton, leading to dehydration.
Physical Barriers: Install row covers, fine mesh, or barriers around young plants to keep crickets from accessing and feeding on them.
Companion Plants: Grow cilantro or garlic around your cannabis plants to repel crickets naturally.
Traps: Set up sticky traps or shallow containers with molasses or beer near the plants to attract and trap crickets.